3 Ways to Nourish Your Mental Diet Daily

You are what you consume… including through your eyes and ears.

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In a world full of so much noise it can be challenging to understand if a choice you’re about to make is uniquely your own or if it’s been prescribed to you by social norms.  For example, if you’re not eating certain foods is it because it’s popular not to eat them, or are you intuitively listening to your body and listening for what it finds nourishing and helpful?  The same idea goes for all aspects of life; anti-aging, exercise, fashion, shopping, travel, etc.

Hearing yourself with as few filters as possible requires awareness and a sort of discipline. Observing how you nourish your mental diet needs for you to set a time for cultivating peace and a restfulness state inside your body and mind. Being gentle to your nervous system.

3 Ways to Nourish Your Mental Diet Daily

  1. Turn it all off. Give yourself some time at the start of the day with no noise. No music. No TV. No podcast. No screens. No news. And especially no social media. Even if you have to wake up 20 minutes earlier before your household wakes up so you can have that quiet. This will prepare your system for better filtering.

  2. Subscribe digitally to a newsletter or app that feels like it’s helping to fill up your cup and not take something away. For example, if you open up this programming and you have a visceral reaction around ‘not enough-ness’, this isn’t the thing. You get enough of that on every billboard around you. Essentially you are looking for something with wholesome content or material that ignites your passion around something you’re highly interested in. Some ideas… subscribe to a poetry site and receive a daily poem. Subscribe to a motivational quote platform. Or download the enjoybloom app which is a self-therapy app.

  3. Buy a set of Angel, Oracle, or Tarot cards that speak to you and pull one card from the deck in the morning.  Do this practice daily. Let the message wash over you.  Meditate on it or journal about it, but allow yourself to feel the personal message of love and support from the card to help you through your day.  If you need help picking out a deck that resonates with you, consider these options; some of which Taryn uses daily.

It’s all about practice and being gentle with yourself as you become more aware and grow. Slowly but surely you’ll find the ways that work best for you and appreciate your new sense of peace and rest.


Lover of travel, dogs, photography, dancing, the unusual, and brilliant conversation.


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